Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Introducing ME

Ok, Not so new at Blogging, Usually have a few followers but they are family and I need an escape. I will not be importing people from the origanal blog, they don't need yet another way to keep tabs on me now do they :P

I will vent bitch moan wine rant and rave. deal with it, join in or move on! At the end of the day this is for ME and me only. a way to journal or destress or whatever the hell I want. I don't need any more negativity and I dont need a date so move on if these are your intentions. trust me, Ive had enough of the opposite sex for awhile!!

Want to reply do so but if its nasty I will delete it PDQ! Don't fuck with me and I wont fuck with you.....K? also, when i bitch please don't tell me how it could all be worse, cuz at that point in time i dont care what could be , or will be , i only care what IS


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